An online store specialised in the sale of fruit tea
- Payment information and methods:
Direct payment by card: The customer can pay via the site directly using a credit card, and all types of cards are supported, whether from inside or outside the Sultanate of Oman, and it is a safe and easy way to pay by credit card.
Deposit the amount in the account: Deposit the full amount with the shipping amount that appears in the total when the order is approved on the following tea shop account:Bank name: Bank Muscat
Account name: TeaShop
Account number: (0301063395880017)
3. Payment on receipt (the service is available within the Sultanate of Oman only): Customers from within the Sultanate can choose to pay on receipt
Important note: Please contact us on WhatsApp after transferring the amount and send a copy of the receipt and provide us with the application number for verification and approval of the application.
For customers outside the Sultanate of Oman, they can use card payments, and if they are unable to do so, please contact us to find another way to pay.For any inquiries or assistance, please contact us